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The Autonomous University of Sinaloa is part of various organizations, associations and academic consortiums at national and international level that allows the participation of the student community in various mobility programs both in Mexico and in the rest of the world. The student community can make stays in any of the Universities that participate in this program.


The academic exchange program is part of the cooperation between the Autonomous University of Sinaloa and other national and international Higher Education Institutions, in which the faculty has the opportunity to carry out postgraduate studies, research stays, short courses, internships of laboratory, joint investigations, in a period.


Strengthen the academic formation and cultural enrichment of the student community through a stay in national or international universities that complement the study plans and / or research projects for the professional growth of the university community.

Requirements to participate in the national student mobility program

  • Minimum average of 8.0
  • 60% of covered credits
  • Application for Student Mobility according to the program to participate
  • Format of homologation of matters
  • Proof of qualifications with percentage of credits and average
  • Application letter from the Academic Unit
  • Letter commitment
  • Letter of intention of reasons
  • Letter of recommendation from a member of an Academic Body
  • Letter of recommendation of the tutor
  • Curriculum vitae
  • Copy of official identification
  • Copy of the CURP
  • Copy of the contract to open the Santander Universia account


The student community can take an academic stay from a semester to a year at any university in the world through the collaboration agreements that the UAS maintains with international institutions or through the following consortiums:

  • Consortium for Collaboration in Higher Education in North America (CONAHEC)
  • Youth Exchange Mexico-Argentina (JIMA)
  • University Mobility in Asia and the Pacific (UMAP)
  • Union of Latin American Universities (UDUAL)
  • Conference of Rectors of the Main Universities of Quebec (CREPUQ)

Procedure to realize student mobility

  1. The UAS through the DGVRI establishes agreements of academic collaboration with the Institutions of Higher Education and, based on them, issues the calls for student mobility twice a year, giving them the appropriate diffusion before the Academic Units so that they can do so. knowledge of your students.
  2. The calls issued by the DGVRI contain the general requirements for the student community to participate in the mobility program in its national and international modality.
  3. The Academic Units disseminate the material and registration forms to students interested in participating in the Student Mobility Program.
  4. Interested students who meet the requirements, select, together with the Academic Secretary and / or career head, the mobility program in which they wish to participate, considering that it is compatible with their curriculum.
  5. The student submits his / her complete file in an original and a copy to the person in charge of the Academic Unit to which he / she belongs.
  6. The person responsible for linking the Academic Unit checks that the application received meets all the requirements of background and form, once the file is complete the application is channeled to the DGVRI, otherwise the file is returned to the student so that this one, is in charge of correcting the differences.
  7. The DGVRI processes the request for mobility of the student with the Higher Education Institution that will receive it in the terms specified by the corresponding collaboration agreement.
  8. The DGVRI receives the confirmation (Letter of acceptance) or refusal from the receiving IES and sends it to the person responsible for linking the Academic Unit to which the applicant student belongs, and thus inform the interested party.
  9. In the event that the interested party has been benefited by a mobility scholarship program, the DGVRI manages the resources before the corresponding authorities.
  10. The interested student moves to the receiving institution, performs the necessary procedures for enrollment and conducts the studies as approved by his Academic Unit.
  11. The DGVRI establishes communication channels with the students who are in mobility and require support and / or advice, maintaining direct and permanent communication with those responsible for linking the Academic Units.
  12. The DGVRI sends to School Services, information regarding students in mobility, so that they do not appear in ordinary records.
  13. At the end of student mobility, the receiving institution issues the corresponding qualification records and sends them to the DGVRI.
  14. The DGVRI sends the qualifications of the students to the liaison officers of each Academic Unit and requests the following data in order for the Directorate to request special services from the School Services: 1) name; 2) account number; 3) semester; 4) career; 5) name and password of the subjects; 6) name and number of employee of the academic secretary.
  15. The Directorate of School Services generates the special mobility certificates, the DGVRI integrates and records the grades in the minutes and the student's file.
  16. The student community that participated in this program must transmit their experience in their Academic Unit

Frequent questions

  • What do I need to do student mobility?
  • Be a student of the Autonomous University of Sinaloa and comply with the established requirements.
  • How many times can I participate in the Student Mobility Program?
  • Regularly twice, a national and an international, as long as the authorities of the corresponding Academic Unit agree.
  • What happens if I am not accepted at the university that I applied for student mobility?
  • You can look for a second option, as long as it is framed in the times, if it is not the case it is recommended to wait for the next call.
  • What are the costs that I must cover to realize student mobility?
  • You must cover the re-enrollment payment in the Academic Unit to which you belong. In terms of transportation, lodging and food expenses, they run on your own.
  • If I want to make student mobility abroad, what should I do?
  • You must comply with the requirements indicated on page 30, investigate the international mobility options that exist, as well as comply with the requirements established by foreign universities, including knowledge of the required language.
  • How can I validate my subjects?
  • One of the requirements that your file must take to make student mobility is a format of homologation of subjects, which must be authorized by the Academic Secretariat of your Academic Unit


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